The market survey was an economic census conducted on the full set of economic units of all traders at Kwame Danso market. it was conducted to provide reliable, timely and relevant statistics to support the formulation and implementation of policies and strategies that can increase revenue mobilization.

the data generated from the survey suggest that the estimated market toll paid by traders on the market day totaled at GHC 495. the traders paid varied amounts of money for the market toll with the highest amount paid been GHC 5 and the lowest amount paid been GHC 1

The sex ratio of the traders at the Kwame Danso market according to the survey revealed that majority of the traders are females accounting for 76% (374 out of 490) of the total number of traders with males accounting for 24% (116 out of 490) of the total number of traders.

Of the problems faced by the traders at the market, majority of the of the traders 57% (281 out of 490) asserted that poor sanitation is a major problem faced by the market. 27% (134 out of 490) asserted that inadequate market sheds is also a major problem faced by the market. 15% (75 out of 490) of the total number of traders however asserted that they faced no problems at the market.

Out of a total of 489 traders, 93% (453 out 489) paid market toll whereas 7% (36 out of 489) did not pay market toll. The traders paid varied amounts of money for the market toll with the highest amount paid been GHC 5 and the lowest amount paid been GHC 1. The survey found that majority of the traders 94% (426 out of 453) traders paid a market toll of GHS 1 with the least number of traders 1% (3 out of 453) paying a market toll of GHC 5.

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