Hon. John K. Nyarba, the District Chief Executive of the Sene West District, visited seven significant settlements in the district during the third quarter of 2021 together with several important staff members.
Seven localities were visited by the DCE in the third quarter of the year. He asked the leaders of the Drobe Lemu, Akenten Kanto, Tudeykope, Akyeremade Battor, Akyeremade Lassi, Menkor and Dwankrom electoral regions to speak with locals directly and address their concerns about development. By increasing grassroots participation and involvement in the decision-making process, the engagement program contributed to furthering the decentralization process.
The DCE and other top Assembly officials were thanked by the Assemblymembers for taking time out of their hectic schedules to take part in the community engagement initiative. Additionally, they urged community members to openly discuss all of their issues with the DCE and his staff in order to find a cooperative solution.
Some of the DCE-accompanied officials took advantage of the occasion to inform the crowd on the operations of the assembly’s different departments and units. Obtaining permits, paying Levey, and relaying the communities’ complaints to the client office were some of the major topics that were covered.
For his part, the Hon. DCE discussed a number of topics related to his activities, including the building of roads and bridges, schools, property disputes, security, the Covid -19 epidemic, and the installation of street lights, among others. He urged the diverse groups to always bring their issues to the Assembly, where they would be welcomed and helped to find amicable solutions. In his speech, Hon. Nyarba discussed the Assembly’s budgetary limitations and pleaded with everyone to pay their property rates, business operating permits, and other taxes so that the Assembly could raise enough money to fund further infrastructure.
Residents present also got the chance to discuss some of the issues they deal with, such as inadequate infrastructure, squalor, a bad road system, security, and a high unemployment rate in their different communities and institutions.