The Regional Minister, Hon. Kwasi Adu Gyan has paid a working visit to the Sene West District Assembly to assess the district’s development progress and identify areas that require support and intervention. The Minister engaged in several activities during the visit, including inspection of ongoing development projects, meeting with district assembly officials, and interaction with stakeholders.

The visit formed part of his familiarization tour of the District to pay courtesy calls on the Chiefs and their Traditional Councils to interact with them and obtain first-hand challenges facing their areas and also inspect ongoing projects in the district.

The Minister inspected various ongoing development projects in the district, including a new market complex, a school block construction project. The Minister assessed the progress of the projects and interacted with project managers, contractors, and beneficiaries. The Minister expressed satisfaction with the progress made and pledged to support the projects to completion.

The Minister also met with the District Chief Executive, the District Coordinating Director, and other district assembly officials to discuss development issues and explore opportunities for collaboration and support. The meeting focused on issues such as revenue mobilization, sanitation, education, and health. The Minister identified key development priorities for the district and pledged to provide support and collaboration to address these priorities

In addition, the Minister interacted with various stakeholders, including traditional leaders, opinion leaders, and civil society organizations, to discuss development issues and explore opportunities for collaboration and support. The visit provided an opportunity for strengthening collaboration and support between the regional and district authorities. The visit fostered a better understanding of development issues and opportunities for collaboration and support.

“The government is committed to supporting the development of the district and the well-being of its constituents,” said the Regional Minister. “The working visit to the Sene West District Assembly is part of our efforts to assess development progress and identify areas that require support and intervention. We are pleased with the progress made so far and will continue to provide support and collaboration to accelerate development progress in the district.”

The Regional Minister’s working visit to the Sene West District Assembly demonstrated the government’s commitment to supporting the development of the district and the well-being of its constituents. The district assembly is expected to leverage the opportunities and support provided to accelerate its development progress.

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